Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pictures Galore (Part One)

Here we go everyone, the pictures I've been promising for four weeks now! I hope you enjoy!

Views of La Paz from above. La Paz is located in the bottom of the bowl of a mountainous valley at over 12,000 ft. elevation. It's amazing to drive down these roads and be surrounded by mountains on both sides. My favorite view of the city were actually at night when all the city lights came on, making it look like a bowl of jewels. Absolutely gorgeous.

Host Mom, Giovanna, and Little Diego (with Friend of Giovanna's newborn)

Giovanna and her family were such a welcoming family. There were six of them: Giovanna and Jorge, Angie (25), Sergio (22), Stephanie (16), and Diego (4). I will miss my many meals with them and riding to work with Giovanna everyday. One of my first days in country, they asked me what I liked to eat. I said pretty much anything, I just have to be careful with milk. They were so eager to buy me soymilk once they found out I was lactose intolerant. Bolivian soymilk is so good.

This is the infamous Diego, whom I love. He charmed me from the beginning, although it took some work for him to warm up to me. I think he was puzzled that I spoke this mysterious "English" language. =) Diego looooved to sing "Abre Mis Ojos, O Cristo" (Open the Eyes of My Heart Lord). I think he probably sang that song at least 50 times while I was there. I don't think I'll ever hear this song and not think of Diego. This middle picture is a picture he drew of me one Sunday in church. See the resemblance??

This is little Melissa, the 1 year old baby of my host family's housekeeper. It's not uncommon for the middle class families of Bolivia to have a housekeeper live in the home. Melissa was always so full of joy, smiling and laughing at every little thing. She loved to wander into my room and bring me random items from the other rooms. Melissa is still learning to walk, so she's a little wobbly--this is her holding the edge of my bed.

Like I mentioned a few posts back, I had the opportunity to go on a 3-day backpacking trip through the mountains and jungles of Bolivia, about a 4 hour bus ride from La Paz. This was one of the most physically challenging activities I have participated in my whole life. Steep uphills and downhills, uneven trails, altitude, freezing cold first night, 20lb backpack, little water...but it was all worth it. The views were amazing as you can see above. I did feel like I could have been in New Zealand.
part two is on its way...

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